4 Tips and Tricks to Boost Instagram Engagement with Reels
2 years ago
Do all your followers likes, comment and share your Instagram reels but still, you are not able to boost your engagement? And, do you think that increasing user engagement on Instagram is a hard row to hoe? No doubt that Instagram reels are now widely used by businesses or individuals to build an online presence as these are fun way to interact with your friends or audience. But there is a lack of clarity on how reels can be considered a great boon for you. Here are some tips and tricks that will guide you to increase your engagement on Instagram with reels:
1. Never upload a video with a watermark:
Instagram reels work on an algorithm that does not allow the promotion of reels with the watermark of other platforms. This means that you will need to make or edit your video in the native camera and then upload it to Instagram. By doing this, Instagram will get more genuine posts on reels instead of re-posting video content from its competitors. Watermarked videos on Instagram do not get a push and your video will not appear on the reels feed of the app.
2. Include appropriate captions and hashtags:
Before adding a caption to your Instagram reels you need to be aware that Instagram shows only 55 characters of the reels caption and users have to tap to "…more" to read the rest of the text. Nowadays, a lot of content creators tend to write long captions for their Instagram reels but many people don’t even bother to read the whole subtitle/caption. So try to keep your reels caption appropriate and short or place the captions on your video. In addition, always use relevant hashtags that will help your get your video in front of the right audience.
3. Use native reels tools for creating video content:
If you want to maximize your reach on Instagram with reels, then you must use the native Instagram reels editing tool that allows users to add music, and visual effects to make your video stand out among other users. You must avoid uploading a video after recording it from any other app as the Instagram reels editing tool has all those features such as re-ordering or editing clips that you need to edit your video.
4. Stay on Trend:
We all know that creating a unique trend with branded hashtags is a challenging task; however, you can still produce the content that people are looking forward to see. For this purpose, you will need to follow the most trending influencers in your field to know what’s trending in this world so that you can also cope to stay on trend. Just look at the sounds or music they are using and the topics on which they are making reels.
By going through the above-mentioned strategies or tricks you have now more idea about what gets your content onto screens. You can increase your engagement on Instagram with the reels rolling and let your audience know more about you and your brand.

Ayaan Sharma
Great article! I really appreciate how you've covered2024-09-18 11:36:04